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Come and join in the fun and frolics of SACCs Old School Sports Day – including egg-and-spoon and three-legged races – in support of Essex Police Dogs, with a chance to win the 2019 Charity Shield (or the wooden spoon!) for your firm or organisation.

The event (ticket only), takes place at Thremall Park, Start Hill on Wednesday 14 August will be a great opportunity to network and make new connections with fellow professionals over a cool drink and a bite from the barbeque.

Teams already signed up include Nockolds Solicitors, EmployAssist, LPL Construction, London Stansted Airport, (including the airport’s Fire & Rescue Service) and MGM Clinics. If you are interested in entering a team, contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. without delay!

The sports will be refereed by Police Dogs Buddy and Holly and their handlers PC Mark Webster and PC Hayley Peek.  There will also be a live demo by the Essex Police Dog Unit who’ll be bringing along current K9 officers to show you how they chase and catch villains – v olunteers anyone?

Julie Budden, Chair of the Stansted Chamber of Commerce says “This is a charity I am extremely fond of.  I personally get to know the working dogs and the vital role they and their handlers play in keeping our airport, staff and airport safe, as well as out in the Essex community.  I have no doubt that everyone who buys a ticket will have a great afternoon!”


This is a ticket only event, so to get yours click here..... before it’s too late.  All proceeds go to support the Essex Retired Police Dogs charity. 

The event is kindly sponsored by LPL Construction, Live Financial and Mantle Business Centres.