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coronavirus2 250x170The impact of Coronavirus – fighting for answers on your behalf

At a time of disruption, we know that businesses need clear, actionable information in order to take critical decisions.

Working with our colleges at Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, the teams are committed to getting answers for Chamber members, and to ensuring that we are representing the needs of our business communities at the heart of government.

Chamber Daily Update

John Bridge OBE DL, Chief Executive at Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, provides reaction to the latest government announcements in the Chambers’ daily update.

Keep up to date with news and announcements by clicking here....

If you have any information and advice you would like to share, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.and I will be more than happy to pass on to fellow members.  Let’s help each other in these difficult times.

Stay safe and well, we will win this war and we'll all back soon!  

Best wishes to you all.

Julie Budden 

Working together to keep businesses up to date

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